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2022 Holiday Chicago Toy & Game Fair
December 10th, 10am-6pm & December 11th, 10am-5pm
In-Person - New Venue - New Events - New Dates!
Join us at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont
We Rolled Back Prices! It is the Start of our 20th Year! Thank You for Your Support!

Thank you for attending our 2023 Chicago Toy & Game Fair this year!
And, we appreciate your answering our survey,
here are your top picks from the Fair!

You can see the Top Tens in our Holiday Gift Guide along with featured products from our exhibitors.
Are you looking for more fun events in Rosemont?
Check out the Chicago Wolves!
"The Chicago Toy Fair was a phenomenal showcase of creativity and innovation where every corner was filled with
the joy of play and imagination just like our brand!"- Cami Croasdale, Gel Blaster
The Chicago Toy & Game Fair is one of the stellar US toy and game consumer events in our industry. I’ve never seen more engaged kids and parents in one place, playing with everything at the different booths! - Julien Sharp, Asmodee, Catan
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