Advertise to Targeted Audiences
We have an expansive reach via face-to-face, social media and email - over 350,000 (detail at end of page).
Every person we reach is one more person that could be your next customer!
Our websites and newsletters reach 165 countries.
the Bloom Report
Worldwide Toy Industry's #1 News Summary Every Friday
26,000+ subscribers with a 50-60% open rate and a high share rate
$5,000/year for 52 issues - (that works out to just $96.15/week)
Size of Ad: 540 Wide by 250 Height in PNG or JPG
Contact us for an invoice to pay by check or wire, or buy online with a credit card:
the Bloom Report - Also Now a News Feed on POP Website!
Worldwide Toy Industry's #1 News Summary AND 24/7 Online News Feed
Targeted Traffic! In 2024 we welcomed 147,000 unique visitors and growing! 90%+ are consumers.
New social feed on homepage increasing traffic every week!
The Bloom Report 24/7 news feed viewers are hyper engaged industry people!
Sidebar Ads: Right Sidebar Ad - (300x250 PNG or JPG)) or Left Sidebar Ad - (160x600)
Annual Ad: $5,000
Monthly Ad $1,000
Industry, Consumer, Play-in-Education Newsletter Ads
One Time Ad (Does not include the Bloom Report)
Our newsletters reach targeted groups:
Toy & Game Industry weekly - see Bloom Report
Play in Education 100,000+ quarterly
Inventor Community 20,000+ quarterly
Consumer 15,000+ quarterly, then monthly in fourth quarter
Social Media Influencer 5,500+ monthly in fourth quarter
Scouts (Boy & Girl) 2,100+ monthly fourth quarter
Size of Ad: 540 Wide by 250 Height in PNG or JPG
Ask us about discounts for an annual ad.
POP Innovation Week and Chicago Toy & Game Fair In-Person Event Program
Not Available at this Time - Opens September 1st
Our programs celebrate all events, each with its own section:
Inventor Pitch and Innovation Conference
250-300 inventors, innovators, product acquisition executives from around world.
Toy & Game Innovation Awards (TAGIEs)
Over 400 innovators in the toy and game community.
Chicago Toy & Game Fair
Distributed to all fair attendees: consumers, traditional and social media influencers and trade.
Young Inventor Challenge
Over 200 young inventors under the age of 18
Specs: High quality print PDF file, 300 dpi or greater and CMYK, Bleeds: 0.25” on all sides
Full page, 5.5" wide x 8.5" tall
(includes 0.25" bleeds)
Half Page, 5.5" wide x 4" tall
(includes 0.25" bleeds)
CHITAG/POP Week by the Numbers
In 2023, we earned 1.51 BILLION media impressions! See the FULL REPORT HERE.
Below are highlight media placements...

CHITAG/POP Newsletter, In-Person, Social Media Reach:
Newsletters Email Subscribers
All Industry via the Bloom Report 26,000+
Educator 150,0000+
Inventor 18,000+
Consumer 20,000+
Blogger, Social Media Influencer 5,000+
Scouts (Boy & Girl) 2,100+
Media List 7,500+
POP News 2,500+
Combined Direct Newsletter Reach 200,000
Newsletter, In-Person and Social Media Reach
Newsletters 200,000
Postal Mail Addresses All Industry 33,000+
Twitter PeopleofPlay 13,800+
Twitter Games4Educators 1,600+
Facebook ChicagoToyAndGameWeek 8,000+
Facebook Mary Couzin 2,600+
Facebook PlayinEducation 800+
Instagram peopleofplay 5,200+
Eventbrite followers 2,700+
YouTube 9,000+ views in 2023
Pinterest CHITAGWeek 1,400+ followers, 113,400 monthly views
Pinterest Mary Couzin/Chicago Toy & Game Fair 2,600+ followers
Very Active LinkedIn Toy, Game, Play Innovators Group 6,900+
LinkedIn Mary Couzin 31,700+
Events Attendance 30,000+
Website Traffic Over 147,000 unique visitors (over 90% consumers) in 2024 Over 60,000 unique visitors in 2023
PR in 2023 for our November Events (Freeman PR)
Over 1.5 billion Impressions
POP/CHITAG Group Reach 2 Billion+ and worked daily/weekly/monthly