I started in the industry as a toy/game inventor self producing and licensing, a side hustle to my day job. I WISH I had this information and the events we put together for POP Week then. I would have saved tens of thousands of dollars. Below is free information shared from industry experts. Then sign yourself up for POP Week, where you can meet and pitch top industry execs!. -Mary Couzin, President of Chicago Toy & Game Week dba People of Play - POP!
Free Resources
POP Wiki - Everything you need to know about the toy industry by topic!
Join our Linkedin Toy, Game & Play Innovator Group
Subscribe to Our Newsletters: the Bloom Report, Industry, Inventor, Educator, Consumer, Media
If You are an Inventor or New Manufacturer, Visit Your Local Retailer and Get Their Opinion on the Viability of Your Product! And, Playtest, Playtest, Playtest!
Attend The Premier Inventor Pitch & Education Event
POP Week's Inventor Pitch & Innovation Conference
Toy Company Pitch Portals
HOW TO PITCH - Your Pitch Perfect Guide
Video: Basics of the Industry - Who, What, Where, Terms, Acronyms and More, Dougal Grimes (Spin Master) moderates with panelists Azhelle Wade (Toy Coach), Greg Benassar (Asmodee), Elizabeth Moody (7 Towns), Dan Rowan (UltraPro)
Video: Pitch like a Pro to Manufacturers and Retailers, Moderator: Tim Walsh (Co-Founder, Roo Games; Founder, The Playmakers) with panelists: Tanya Thompson (Director Global Product Acquisition & Inventor Relations for Gaming, Hasbro), Adam Hocherman (Vice President of New Business, PlayMonster), Leila Nosrati (Principal, Master Toy Advisors), David Winter (Head of New Product Acquisition & Inventor Relations, Jazwares),
Gillian Ruan (Enterprise Innovation and Inventor Relations Manager, Mattel)
Articles with Advice from Experts - Some You Will Pitch !
Leila Nosrati: Pitching & the Pandemic:
Think Like a Buyer, Pitch Like a Pro - COVID-19 Edition
by Leila Nosrati, President, Master Toy Advisors | Product Innovation Partners

The 5 Ws and 1 H of Inventor Pitch Sheets with Template
by Tanya Thompson, Director Global Product Acquisition and Inventor Relations for Gaming at Hasbro

by Ken Gruhl, Professional Inventor
Do’s and Don’ts for New Inventors
by Lisa Wuennemann, Director of Marketing, PlayMonster

Top 6 Tips for Inventors on Presenting a Toy or Game
by Mike Hirtle, President of Paladin

Think of your Toy Game as a Commercial
by Joe and Dave Herbert of the Herbert Brothers
by Andy Geremia

Pitch Tip: Perfect your elevator pitch
Mattel's Christopher Keenan on how to keep buyers engaged throughout the process, and why brevity is key.
Video Killed the Sell Sheet Star: 7 Ways to Make a Better Invention Pitch Video
by Matt Nuccio, President at Design Edge Inc. Designer - Inventor - Manufacture Agent- Lecturer - Consultant

Last, but not least! Why Does It Take So Long?
For those of you unfamiliar with the many challenges toy inventors face in getting their ideas seen, considered, and eventually sometimes even purchased by a toy company, this is a very fair question. The process is long, multi-stepped, and certainly for anyone on the outside waiting for some kind of smoke signal, frankly torturous.
Here, then, are 5 reasons why it does indeed take so long. Read More....