7 Top Holiday Gifts For 2017

7 Top Holiday Gifts For 2017 from Chicago Toy & Game Week
In honor of the holidays and our TAGIE Award Winners, we put together the TOP 7 TOYS & GAMES straight from ChiTAG to give to all the kiddos in your life. Included below are the winning inventors and their respective toy and game inventions. Sure to be a blast for the entire family. Happy Holidays and we can’t wait to see you next year!
1. Barbie Dance Horse
This pretty white horse does it all! Experience the fun of horseback riding with Barbie and her DreamHorse. Barbie’s horse walks forward, turns 360 degrees, neighs and even nods yes or no when you ask a question!

TOY INVENTOR OF THE YEAR: David Small and Paul Rago of Shoot the Moon
2. Soggy Doggy:
Don’t get wet! Soggy Doggy is a full bathtub full of fun! Race around the board and take turns giving Soggy Doggy a bath. But watch out! He loves to shake himself dry! Get soaked and you’re sent back to start. Make it around the bathtub and you win!

GAME INVENTOR OF THE YEAR: Don Ullman and Steve Calhoun
3. Hatchimals:
Hold!-Hatch!-Play! No surprise these magical creatures are still going strong. Collect, love and care for yours inside its colorful egg. Your touch encourages them to peck their way out of the egg! The best part? You get to raise your furry Hatchimal through 3 stages, from baby to toddler, to kid. Teach yours to walk, dance, play games and more! It will even repeat what you say in its own voice! Who’s inside? It’s a surprise! Get yours today.
Accepting Scott Brown and Nick Metzler
4. Ship of Treasures:
An exciting game of strategy (with a bit of luck) to capture the treasure. Hide your treasure chests and search for pirate booty. Lift up trapdoors to reveal loot to plunder but watch out for cannonballs. Be the first to capture treasure chests from the other pirates to win!

YOUNG INVENTOR OF THE YEAR: Olivia Wasilewski and Brynna Siewers
5. BB8:
Roll into adventure with this beloved and iconic Star Wars character - Hero Droid BB-8! This interactive droid stands at a lifelike scale of 16 inches tall and is capable of realistic interactions – just like in the film! Set Hero Droid BB-8 to Follow Me mode and it will roll beside you just as loyally as it would follow Rey or Poe! With voice recognition and remote control capabilities, it is fully interactive and ready to spin into action. This Star Wars RC droid has authentic lights and sounds, plus film-accurate aesthetics, making it perfect for fans of all ages.
TOY INVENTOR OF THE YEAR: David Small and Paul Rago of Shoot the Moon

6. Flower Fairies Secret Garden:
Encourage your kids and aspiring fairy gardeners to create and imagine their own fairy world. Complete your own imaginary, real garden with these stunning Flower Fairy Garden Accessories!
RISING STAR OF THE YEAR: Joyce Sprau, Flower Fairies Secret Garden
7. The Extraordinaries Design Studio:
Take your design skills to the next level with this fully immersive design experience. Create inventions, gadgets and much more, all while perfecting your design skills!