the Bloom Report June 26 - July 3, 2020
the Bloom Report
Toy Industry's #1 News Summary Worldwide
June 26 - July 3, 2020
Welcome to your Friday briefing of the week's news! As I write this note, fireworks are exploding outside seemingly non-stop. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, whether you in the U.S. celebrating the 4th of July or elsewhere celebrating life, friends and family. In case you missed the last few issues... After 22 years, the Bloom Report has a new look and steward. It is our honor to carry on Philip Bloom’s legacy and continue this essential news source for the industry. If you would like to reach Phil, his new email is: We'd appreciate your feedback and welcome advertisements so we can continue this service for free. Phil summarized this endeavor well when he said, "Not only does the Bloom Report give you all the news you need to know...we give you all the news you didn't know you needed to know!" Onward & Upward, Mary Couzin
Company of Week: Learning Resources, Educational Insights and hand2mind Support Educators, Parents and Students During COVID-19

As schools began to close in March due to concerns around COVID-19, a family of award-winning companies, including Learning Resources, Educational Insights, and hand2mind, launched a range of complimentary, family-friendly online resources and activities to keep kids productive and engaged as they transitioned to distance learning. These tools provided parents the assistance needed as they quickly took on additional responsibilities as in-home teachers, including lesson plans and advice, do-it-yourself projects and videos, along with printable activities and worksheets for kids of all ages. The companies’ combined efforts of creating 8,500 individual assets resulted in more than two million visits to their respective pages, and more than 420,000 content downloads, directly serving consumers seeking these vital resources.
In addition to providing an impressive variety of FREE resources and activities,all three companies believe that every kid should have the chance to learn at home in these challenging times. To ensure more families had access to the hands-on learning tools they needed, the companies partnered with the Kids In Need Foundation to donate $350,000 in educational toys and resources, furthering the organization’s mission in helping underserved children learn during this moment of crisis. (Read More...)
Person of the Week: Lisa Orman of KidStuff PR

When KidStuff PR founder Lisa Orman started her PR agency 26 years ago, she was becoming a mother for the first time and was faced with educating herself about the many services and products available for children and families. She discovered that many of the most innovative and wonderful products were made by smaller companies, so she decided to dedicate herself to helping these smaller players in the toy & game industry build awareness among consumers via media. That’s still her passion and joy.
Her singular focus on this has paid off for small and medium specialty toy manufacturers and retailers, and dozens of companies attribute some of their success and growth to their partnership with KidStuff PR. Every month KidStuff PR clients grace the pages of top parenting magazines and websites alongside products from industry giants like Mattel, Hasbro and Spinmaster. KidStuff PR clients consistently garner so much media attention that the agency itself makes news.
President Lisa Orman established KidStuff Public Relations in 1994 near Madison, Wis., after securing the public relations account for Zany Brainy. Orman used her past experiences as a writer for the Des Moines Register, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek and USA Today to give her a better understanding of when, why and how to successfully pitch to a reporter. (Read More...)
Financial & Legal News . . .
MONEY RAISED FOR GAMES ON KICKSTARTER UP DRAMATICALLY IN FIRST HALF 2020. Dollars raised for tabletop game projects were up 46% to $117.6 million in the first half of 2020, vs. $80.5 million in the first half of 2019. That’s a new first half record; the previous record was set last year. The category outperformed Kickstarter as a whole, which also grew in the first half but not as fast.
Microsoft Expresses Interest in Video Game Division of Warner Bros. The Information reported, citing "two people familiar with the situation", that Microsoft has expressed interest" in acquiring Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, also known as WB Games. These games include Mortal Kombat, the Batman: Arkham, and Harry Potter series.
End of an era: 'America’s oldest specialty toy store' to close. For over 68 years, shoppers in Concord and surrounding towns have had the joy of buying toys and presents at The Toy Shop of Concord, known as America’s oldest specialty toy store. But due to the financial effects of the coronavirus pandemic, among other reasons, playtime is over for owner David Hesel, who plans on closing his popular shop on July 31.
Setting Priority Countries For Toy Export Sales. One of the most fascinating features of the toy business is the vast array of countries to sell toys to around the world. For those who are interested in travel and experiencing different cultures, the toy business offers much (at least in normal times, maybe the travel opportunities are restricted right now but nevertheless export sales opportunities abound).
John Lewis (UK) announces eight permanent store closures. The department store chain has decided on which locations it deems unviable, placing 1,300 jobs at risk. John Lewis has officially announced the eight stores it intends to permanently close. Dame Sharon White, the department store chain’s chairman, had warned that not all John Lewis stores would reopen once the high-street lockdown was over...
After being in Business for nearly 30 years Toys, Toys, Toys has filed for Bankruptcy. The Liquidation Sale will begin immediately from five of Toys, Toys, Toys stores located in Vaughan Mills, Square One Shopping Centre, Erin Mills Town Centre, Scarborough Town Centre, & Oshawa Centre. This liquidation sale includes a huge selection of popular and collectible toys including action figures, dolls, board games, baby...
Australian toy sales that shot up during lockdown. Australia - Growth in toy sales during the coronavirus lockdown eclipsed growth last Christmas. Dollar sales soared by 80 per cent when stage two restrictions were introduced in March compared to the same time the previous year.
TikTok risks losing its biggest market. India is TikTok's top market for new downloads, and parent-company ByteDance had forecast $1 billion in advertising revenue there this year. Now India's ban on Chinese apps has put TikTok's fate in jeopardy in one of the fastest-growing markets in the world.

Trends, Market Research Reports . . . Making Old New-ish . . . Will Walmart’s best shoppers ditch Amazon Prime for Walmart+? . . . Retro Revival: Microskaters on why kids are turning to rollerblading to fight lockdown boredom Financial & Brokerage News . . . Amazon could climb another 20% ahead of earnings, chart analyst says as stock hits new highs . . . 3 Top Video Game Stocks to Buy in July Financial Reporting . . . Diamond companies received $5-$10m+ in PPP loans. A loan for Diamond Comic Distributors in the range of $5-$10 million was approved on April 10; while a loan for Diamond Select Toys & Collectibles in the range of $150,000-$350,000 was approved on May 1. A loan to sister company Rosebud Entertainmentfor $350,000 - $1 million, was approved on April 30. Pokémon GO surpasses $3.6 Billion in lifetime revenue, and is still on the rise despite global pandemic. As Pokémon GO celebrates its fourth anniversary, it has also surpassed $3.6 Billion in lifetime revenue, since its launch on July 6, 2016. 2019 was the game’s best year to date, generating $905 million globally. Animoca Brands raises $4.1 million ahead of proposed initial public offering. Mobile developer Animoca Brands has raised $4.1 million in funding to support a proposed initial public offering. Animoca has spent the past few years expanding its business with a number of weighty acquisitions, the most recent of which saw it nab Power Rangers: Legacy Wars developer nWay, and digital collectibles marketplace Quidd. Future Financial Reporting... Spin Master Corp. to Report Second Quarter 2020 Financial Results on August 5, 2020. Ronnen Harary, Co-Chief Executive Officer and Mark Segal, Chief Financial Officer, will host a conference call for the investment community on Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. Mattel, Inc. today announced that it plans to release its second quarter 2020 financial results on Thursday, July 23, 2020, at approximately 4:05 p.m. Eastern time. Following this, Mattel will host a conference call and webcast at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time. Hasbro, Inc. announced that it will webcast its second quarter 2020 earnings conference call on Monday, July 27, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. ET, following the release of Hasbro's financial results. The webcast and the accompanying presentation slides will be available to investors and the media on Hasbro's Investor Relations home page at

Stories & Comments . . . The Economist: Citius, Altius, Fortnite. Why the next Olympics should include Fortnite. The Tokyo Olympics, which were supposed to start next month, have been postponed until 2021, thanks to covid-19. That delay offers a chance for reflection. The International Olympic Committee wants to make the games more popular with young people … The $70 video game is inevitable. How the next generation of video game consoles will impact your wallet. LastLast week, 2K Sports announced that it would raise the price of NBA 2K21 by $10 — from $59.99 to $69.99 — for next-generation video game consoles. To see all the bells and whistles on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, consumers will need to pay a little more than they did the year before. David Kleeman: Roblox Dubit Coffee Break with Andy Douthwaite. During the pandemic, unable to be together in person, kids have been looking for places to hang out with their friends, and often those places are online. One platform in particular has really taken off: Roblox. As a company that has built virtual worlds for kids for over 20 years, Dubit was curious to understand the platform’s appeal and strengths,... Scrabble Tournaments Move Toward Banning Racial and Ethnic Slurs. The fight against systemic racism has taken aim at Scrabble. An agreement is at hand to bar offensive terms, though some players endorse using them for points. Josephine Flowers became a ranked, competitive Scrabble player more than a dozen years ago, and to commemorate the moment, she inscribed her custom-built game board... India-China standoff may be one jolt too many for ailing Bengaluru toy industry. The toy industry in Bengaluru is gasping for breath and is set to suffer irreparable damage unless there is a dramatic turnaround in fortunes soon. With 70 percent of the much sought after modern toys imported from China, shops are surviving on whatever stocks have been imported already. There appears to be no light at the end of the tunnel. ‘Celebrity Escape Room’ challenges guests inside intricate hotel maze. That elevator sits front and center in the “hotel lobby” set that “Friends” stars Lisa Kudrow and Courtney Cox along with actor Ben Stiller and “Parks and Recreation” star Adam Scott entered at the start of the show, which aired May 21, 2020, as the lead in for NBC’s series of programming to raise money for children’s charity Comic Relief. Remembering the toy industry's past . . . Celebrate 60 Years of Etch A Sketch. Introduce your kids to unplugged creativity and drawing (without a pencil.) Etch A Sketch is reaching a major milestone this year, celebrating 60 years on Jul. 12, 2020. Etch A Sketch Day, observed annually, marks the day this toy was first sold. This year, Etch A Sketch joined forces with other iconic names for a series of limited edition launches earlier this year, including the beloved... Fantasy Flight brings back The Lord of the Rings board game for an anniversary edition. Fantasy Flight Games revealed The Lord of the Rings: The Board Game Anniversary Edition, a new version of Reiner Knizia's classic board game, for release in Q4.The Lord of the Rings: The Board Game was first published in 2000 as a tabletop retelling of J.R.R. Tolkien’s trilogy, Reliable Toy Company. Founded by three brothers in Toronto in the 1920s, Reliable Toy Company grew from being a tiny toy producer to become the then British Empire’s largest toymaker. By 1936, the company produced over one and half million dolls, across three hundred different models.

Worldwide Licensing News . . . WOTCH Creations, SmileyWorld Team for Toys. WOTCH Creations and SmileyWorld have announced a new licensed toy set to be released this October. Products, called Smiley-Halves, will allow consumers to collect and connect from Smiley’s emoticons, with 22 variations in the first phase of the new children’s fidget toy. IMG named exclusive global licensing agent for video gaming’s smash hit Rocket League. IMG has been appointed as the exclusive global licensing representative for the popular Rocket League video game franchise. The move was made by the franchise owner, Psyonix in a partnership announced this week. YuMe Toys Teams Up with Canspan BMG. YuMe Toys entered into a new partnership with Canspan BMG. Under the new deal, Canspan will support YuMe Toys’ forthcoming summer and fall product launches. YuMe is a company that is making waves throughout the toy industry with its high-quality products based on some of the hottest properties out there,” says Jamie Berman, president of Canspan BMG... Rocket Licensing eyes toys, publishing for CBeebies’ English learning series Yakka Dee! Rocket Licensing is looking to secure toy and publishing partners, as well as specialists in educational products and resources, for the popular CBeebies show Yakka Dee, an English language learning series for pre-schoolers learning to talk. The series is also targeted at children with speech difficulties, and those learning... Marvel, Moose Toys release Goo Jit Zu toys. The new collaboration between Moose Toys and Marvel is making it easier for kids to channel their inner superhero at home. Following the breakout success of Heroes of Goo Jit Zu in 2019, Moose Toys unveiled a new line of the toys in collaboration with Marvel … Surge Licensing to rep Awkward Yeti Characters After creating the web comic that led to multiple New York Times bestsellers, The Awkward Yeti and Heart and Brain author and artist Nick Seluk is now turning his eponymous characters into consumer products and promotions with Surge Licensing as the exclusive licensing agent. Surge plans to further develop the brand through toys... Rather Dashing Games licenses 'Downton Abbey'. Rather Dashing Games has acquired the rights to Downton Abbey to produce a new card game based on the Downton Abbey movie. The new card game will release in Q4 of 2020. The new Downtown Abbey game will be an easy-to-learn card game for ages 12 and up, and is based around competing to capture cards with key moments of resolution, revelation... Genius Brands acquires Stan Lee's likeness, IPs The prodco now holds the rights to more than 100 properties Lee created, with plans to develop and license seven per year under a new business banner. Terms of the deal give Genius exclusive worldwide rights to Lee’s name, physical likeness and signature, as well as his live-action and animated motion picture IPs across TV, digital, publishing,... People . . . YouTube sensation Joey Graceffa partners with Studio71 to launch Escape the Night Board Game. YouTube star Joey Graceffa (over 12M subscribers) has partnered with Studio71 Games, a Red Arrow Studios company, to help bring to life his vision to expand the Escape the Night universe with an all-new electrifying board game. Inspired by Graceffa’s murder-mystery YouTube series. IMC Toys strengthens UK presence with new appointments and new office move. John Gray joins IMC as operations and logistics manager, bringing with him a wealth of toy sector experience to the role, having previously held positions with Mattel, Mega Brands, Spin Master and MGA. Meanwhile, Katie Petitt joins the team as account manager, after previously working in buying roles for both Debenhams and Toys R Us. Andrew Day: the gaming boss who gets addicted to the games. Andrew Day is chief executive of Irish company Keywords Studios. His business has helped make many of the world's most popular games - from Call of Duty, to World of Warcraft, Fortnite, Clash of Clans, League of Legends, Assassin's Creed, and Candy Crush Ubisoft exec Maxime Beland has resigned after harassment and assault allegations. Ubisoft vice president of editorial Maxime Beland has resigned from his role after being accused of sexual harassment and assault.The company also revealed that Beland's fellow editorial vice president, Tommy Francois, has been placed on disciplinary leave pending the outcome of an investigation Richard Garfield - Game Designer Spotlight. In today’s episode of History of Game Design we are going to be looking at the master of the multiverse, the tycoon of trading cards, the flying purple hippopotamus himself, Richard Garfield, PHD. As always, we are going to be taking a look at his life and career, as well as the process and philosophy behind his game designs. WORLD ACCORDING TO GRIEPP -- IMAGE NOT CONSIDERING DISTRIBUTION ALTERNATIVES. In response to a column last week on the events surrounding DC's move to new distributors, ending its relationship with Diamond Comic Distributors in N.A., Image Publisher Eric Stephenson reached out to communicate the company’s position on the situation. I'd characterized Image as "rethinking the whole exclusive distributor... Companies, Organizations . . . Marvel Reveals Comic Con at Home Schedule. Marvel has revealed its plans for Comic-Con at Home, this year's virtual San Diego Comic-Con event. Marvel appeared in Disney+'s plans and Hulu's plans via the Hellstrom series. Now Marvel has revealed its schedule of events. One is the Disney+ panel on the Marvel's 616 docuseries. Another is the Marvel HQ event, aimed at younger Marvel fans. Last is Marvel Comics: Next... Arcane Wonders reveals 'Hello Neighbor: The Secret Neighbor Party Game'. Arcane Wonders, along with tinyBuild, Evolution, and Genuine Entertainment, revealed Hello Neighbor: The Secret Neighbor Party Game, based on the popular video game, for release in October. Players assume the roles of one of the neighborhood kids, the treacherous neighbor, or a secret neighbor to locate keys and unlock a door to win. Le Toy Van Opens All-New U.S. Webstore for Heirloom-Quality Wooden Toys. Designed in London with a dash of French flair, Le Toy Van has been in business since 1995, but online buyers have typically been faced with calculating British pounds versus U.S. dollars in order to make a purchase. This week, that changes. Le Toy Van has opened an all-new U.S. website and has a selection of toys available on Amazon. Far Out Toys and launch Ryan’s World Road Trip Board Game. Far Out Toys announced the debut of the newest game from the phenomenally successful brand, Ryan’s World. The Ryan’s World Road Trip Board Game was inspired by the summer tradition of loading the kids up in the car and heading out on the highway on a road trip!. Hornby Hobbies, Corgi Introduce the Hornby Centenary Bristol Lodekka Bus. Hornby Hobbies is continuing its 100th anniversary celebration with a #Hornby100 social media takeover filled with new product announcements. The month-long campaign kicked off with a collaboration between the company’s Hornby and Corgi brands: the Hornby Centenary Bristol Lodekka double-decker bus. Mattel and Spin Master bring new short content to Mattel, Spin Master, and 9 Story Distribution International are the latest big name brands in children’s entertainment to join Future Today’s popular app. The deal will bring new short content featuring Barbie, Thomas and Friends, Hot Wheels, Bakugan: Battle Brawlers, and more. Barnes & Noble College Partners with American Video Game League to Launch Autumn Anarchy Fortnite Tournament. Barnes & Noble College, a Barnes & Noble Education, Inc. company, has partnered with the American Video Game League, a BoomTV company, to launch Autumn Anarchy, a first-of-its kind college esports tournament. Autumn Anarchy will invite more than 500 gamers nationwide... Wizards of the Coast piloting new text alert program with U.S. WPN members. Wizards of the Coast announced that they are piloting a program where U.S. WPN retailers can get "major announcements" for Magic sent to their phones via text message. The new program is aimed at keeping WPN retailers informed about Magic product news before players ask about it. Epic Story expands with new sister company. Ken Faier and Steve Couture are teaming up to launch Epic Storyworlds. The Canadian company, based in the province of Québec, will serve global audiences with properties spanning television, digital, gaming and consumer products. Epic Storyworlds has already locked in its first greenlight from CBC, which picked up animated action-comedy Dex and the Humanimals... Walmart is dropping *dozens* of exclusive collectibles next week. If you haven’t heard about Walmart Collector Con yet, you aren’t alone. The retailer hasn’t posted about or promoted this upcoming online event, but it’s something that should *definitely* be on every collector’s radar. On Friday, July 17, at 10 a.m. ET, Walmart is set to drop more than 60 exclusives... Artist formerly known for prints: Laurence King Publishing is settling into the children’s games sector. For a company that “stumbled into the children’s area” when it published Marion Deuchars’ first activity book Let’s Make Great Art in 2011, the publisher has made short work of establishing itself within a market for games and puzzles with a strong literary aesthetic, and has even managed to find success... CRAZY AARON’S STEPS UP TO SPONSOR THE TOY FOUNDATION’S TOY BANK. Crazy Aaron’s is the official “Adopt-the-Pig” sponsor of The Toy Foundation’s Toy Bank this year. The Pennsylvania-based company behind the popular line of Thinking Putty will donate $10,000 to the cause and will release a special-edition putty crafted in The Toy Bank’s signature orange color. German toy manufacturer Schleich selects KN to neutralise CO2 in its sea freight. Schleich, one of the largest toy manufacturers in Germany and an international provider of realistic animal figures, has decided to neutralise its entire sea freight CO2 footprint with the help of Kuehne+Nagel. "The decisive factor was Kuehne+Nagel's Net Zero Carbon programme, which sets new standards with CO2 neutral logistics. Microsoft announces Xbox Series X games event for July 23rd. Microsoft will hold its Xbox Series X games event on July 23rd at 9AM PT / 12PM ET. The company is planning on showing games made by its Xbox Game Studios, including Halo Infinite. There will be more than just Halo, though. Microsoft has been steadily acquiring game studios, and the company now has 15 Xbox Game Studios in total. Lego will stop advertising police related toys and figurines. Lego, the Danish toy company with worldwide operations, decided to step forward and demonstrate in support of the movement Black Lives Matter. Lego announced on its official Twitter account that it would donate $ 4 million to “organizations dedicated to supporting black children and educating all children about racial equality.” PlayMonster’s Snap Ships Blast into Retail, Invite Kids to ‘Build to Battle’. PlayMonster is blasting into a whole new realm with its first franchise-based toy line. Developed over the past couple of years, Snap Ships is a new brand for kids ages 8 and up that combines action play and construction - two of the hottest play categories - for an immersive play experience across a fully realized world that includes ... Sony PlayStation pulls ads from Facebook until end of month. Sony PlayStation joins the list of companies suspending advertising on Facebook and Instagram through July. PlayStation said in a statement: "In support of the #StopHateForProfit campaign, we have globally suspended our Facebook and Instagram activity, including advertising and non-paid content, until the end of July.” Nickelodeon, James Corden fly with pigeons. The actor and talk show host is producing an animated film and TV series based on the book Real Pigeons Fight Crime, which will air on all of the kidcaster's platforms. Under the multiplatform deal, actor and talk show host Corden (Peter Rabbit) and producer Winston (The Late Late Show with James Corden) will produce the content through their Fulwell 73 shingle. Netflix & Hasbro Release Final Trailer for “Transformers: War For Cybertron: Siege”, in partnership with Rooster Teeth, released the final main trailer for Chapter One of the highly anticipated Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy which premieres on Netflix on Jul. 30. The Series raises the stakes of the Autobot and Decepticon war with Chapter One having six, twenty-two minute episodes, complete with... IKEA Korea donates profits from consumer-designed toys. It has donated profits it generated by selling consumer-designed soft toys to a nongovernmental organization for children, as part of its commitment to promote children's right to play. According to the home furnishing firm, it has donated 35 million won ($29,230) to the "Save the Playground" campaign run by Save the Children. GOGO GACHAS ROLL INTO TARGET THIS AUGUST. RedwoodVentures and Olo Industries had a winning partnership with the soft and squishy Smooshy Mushy line, and now they’re back for more with the debut of GoGo Gachas. Based on the Japanese “gachapon” trend of vending machine capsules filled with toys and charms, GoGo Gachas is a new unboxing toy that dispenses disco ball capsules... Funskool: Well-poised to carve out larger share of global toy market The Chenna, India i-headquartered toy maker is expecting a growth of 15-20 per cent in its exports this financial year and is hopeful of a sound growth in the domestic market too. The toymaker currently has two manufacturing units in Tamil Nadu and one in Goa. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Relative To Our Industry . . . Exclusive: Toymaster’s Ian Edmunds speaks to Toy World. Ian explained how the buying group is supporting indie retailers through the reopening of the high street. Toymaster’s members have fared better than anyone expected throughout the pandemic and lockdown, utilising social media and online marketplaces to great affect and resulting in precisely zero permanent closures. Exclusive: suppliers discuss post-lockdown plans. As retail gets back on track, Toy World spoke to leading suppliers to find out how their companies are re-booting plans and ranges for the remainder of 2020. Throughout the lockdown period, the toy industry as a whole has faced numerous challenges, but suppliers have remained resilient throughout. The Impact of COVID-19 on E-commerce: Staying Ahead of the Digital Divide. COVID-19 has brought America’s digital divide to the forefront. As online shopping and restaurant digital ordering exploded with the advent of the public health crisis, many companies were caught off guard, but those that invested in strong digital capabilities before the crisis were well equipped to weather the storm. Amazon delays Prime Day until October due to coronavirus. Amazon gave third-party sellers a placeholder date of the week of Oct. 5 for Prime Day, according to an email obtained by CNBC. The company has delayed its annual shopping event several times in recent months due to coronavirus-related constraints. Asmodee has launched a huge summer competition with its new #PlayItOutdoors campaign, offering fans of its games the chance to win a £2,000 prize every week just by taking their favourite games outside to enjoy the great British summer. With the Covid-19 pandemic resulting in many families staying at home this summer, Asmodee is seeking to promote board games as the perfect activity for households... Toy Aid, the charitable initiative set up by Joel Silverman and Richard North, raised £143,075 as part of Global’s Make Some Noise, the registered charity of Global Media Group. Toy Aid was created to raise money for charities that support disadvantaged children, young people and their families, who found themselves particularly vulnerable during the recent pandemic. The re-invention of brands has already begun. Opinion article written by Pablo Durañona, Marketing Manager of Kids Corp, on how the Latin American market has changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic Toy Safety and Counterfeit Related Articles . . . Learn about future changes to EU Directive on restriction of hazardous substances. Toy Association members interested in the future of the European Union’s Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive, which restricts the use of certain hazardous materials found in electrical and electronic products, including battery-operated and electrical toys, are invited to attend a free webinar on July 9 at 10 a.m. (Eastern). FIGHTING KNOCKOFF TOYS WITH ROBERT COOK ON THE ‘POWER KID PODCAST’. In this week’s episode of the “Power Kid Podcast,” host Phil Albritton of Power Kid Design speaks with Robert Cook, sales manager at Verisk Financial G2. Cook and his team help manufacturers protect themselves from the ever-present risk of knockoffs, counterfeit, and copycat products. They also provide guidance to assist companies ...

Press Releases . . . TICKETY-BOO! BRITAIN’S LE TOY VAN DEBUTS U.S. WEBSITE FOR SHOPPING AND SHIPPING STATESIDE. Dotty Tea Kettle, Red Bertie’s Tractor And The Iconic London Bus A Few Pleasures & Treasurers To Be Discovered At Moms and dads no longer must calculate British pounds versus U.S. dollars when browsing through Le Van Toy’s beautifully crafted inventory. The award-winning toymaker based in London expands into the U.S. market with a stateside website! Dotty Tea Kettle ($19.99) and Tea Set & Tray ($39.95) are just a click away at or Amazon. The short time span of childhood should be enjoyed to the fullest, believes Le Toy Van. Their vast array of European toys with an added French flair spark imagination without the use of technology. Timeless and well- made are the hallmarks of this toymaker... Mattel, Nelvana and 9 Story All Turn to Future Today for Distribution of Content. More Than 250 New Episodes of Popular Kids’ Titles Launched on HappyKids TV. Future Today, the largest OTT publishing platform, announced today it will be expanding its offering on by adding many popular new titles, including “Barbie,” “Thomas & Friends” and “Hot Wheels” from Mattel, “Bakugan®... News from Associations, Trade Shows, Awards and Festivals . . . (ASTRA, Hong Kong, LIMA, Spielwarenmesse, TA and more) What’s going on with toy trade shows and events? Your guide to what is happening with all the toy and licensing trade shows and events in 2020 and early 2021. The past few months have seen the majority of physical toy, licensing and nursery trade shows and events cancelled, both here in the UK and across the globe. Many shows which were initially postponed to later dates have subsequently been cancelled... DRAGON CON IS TOAST FOR LABOR DAY, EMERALD CITY GIVES UP ON 2020, AND 'STAR WARS' CELEBRATION LIGHT SPEEDS TO 2022 Coronavirus Convention Cancellation Round-Up. The cancellations of conventions continue into Q3 of 2020, and the outlook for the remainder of the year has become bleak. Here are the latest conventions to cancel for 2020. Koelnmesse has announced the cancellation of all its 2020 trade fairs due to take place before the end of October. This means that Kind + Jugend, the international trade fair for children, toddler and baby equipment, has been cancelled. The international trade fair organiser has worked hard to allay the concerns of exhibitors and visitors, but notes that, ultimately, restarting the Cologne trade fair scene isn’t.. Toymaster cancels September show, which was due to take place 2nd-4th September. The event had already been postponed from its usual May timing, with Government restrictions on gatherings now putting paid to the buying group’s plans to hold a later show. Despite support for the event, Toymaster has wisely taken the decision to cancel the 2020 show, and focus on the 2021 May event instead... The first-ever Toy Fair Everywhere virtual market week, hosted by The Toy Association, will kick off next Monday, July 13. More than 150 exhibiting companies, as of this writing, have signed on to showcase their hottest toys and games to global buyers and media vying to see what will be trending in Q4. Created in partnership with software provider Balluun Play-Room planning to replace September trade show with buying event. The proposed event would still require the government to change its current policy on mass gatherings to be able to go ahead.T his buying event would differ significantly from the traditional show: a reduced number of companies – likely to be no more than 30 or 40 – would occupy booths measuring 4m x 4m, set 2m apart and each with ...

Top Stories from Trade Magazines Worldwide this Week
Adventure Media & Events Hot 10 (US)
Just Play Acquires Slinky and Shrinky Dinks Brands (The Toy Book)
Hot Wheels Legends Tour Goes Virtual for the Remainder of 2020 (The Toy Book)
Wil Wheaton Joins Games By Bicycle as First Global Board Game Ambassador (The Toy Book)
WowWee Unleashes Power Treads All-Surface Vehicles (The Toy Book)
The Toy Insider Holiday Gift Guide Finds a New Home with PARENTS Magazine (The Toy Insider)
Walmart Brings Summer Fun with Drive-In Movies & Virtual Camp (The Toy Insider)
Ravensburger Enters the Ring with WWE Legends Royal Rumble Card Game (The Toy Insider)
Yo Joe! Check Out Tons of New G.I. Joe Merch from Hasbro (The Pop Insider)
SDCC: Funko Drops its First Summer Exclusives (The Pop Insider)
Choose Your Fighter with Jazwares' UFC Collectibles (The Pop Insider)
aNb Media's (US)
Popular TikTok Content Creators WeWearCute Partner with Spin Master on New Stationery, Craft and Activities Line
Just Play Acquires Slinky and Shrinky Dinks
Spin Master Names Heather Oster as Vice President, Global Franchise Development
Firefly Scores New Licensing Deals for Animated Adult Cartoon Series and Brand The Freak Brothers
WowWee Launches Power Treads™ All-Surface Vehicles
Annual Opening of TAGIE Award Nominations Kicks Off with Announcement of New Name and New Virtual Program for 2020
Virtual Licensing Week Unites the Global Licensing Industry Highlighting Post-Pandemic Growth
Jazwares and UFC Bring the Action to Fans with Launch of New Collectibles Line
Dr. Seuss Enterprises Promotes Shannon Spisak and Jenna Marson
NHRA Revs Up with Castline
Toyworld (UK)
1. WizKids Unveils Huggable 'Magic: The Gathering' Planeswalkers
2. Dark Horse Announces 700-Plus-Page Volume for 'He-Man and the Masters of the Universe' Toy Lines
3. Preview: 'D&D Icons of the Realms Miniatures: Mythic Odysseys of Theros 8 ct Brick' and 'Polukranos'
4. Stonemaier Games Unveils 'Pendulum'
5. Ravensburger Reveals WWE Card Game
6. Ultra Rare 'Pokemon' Card and High-Grade 'Super Mario Bros.' Cartridge Put Up on the Auction Block
7. Rolling for Initiative -- DCC Day Followup, Free RPG Day and Cards Against Humanity
8. Steve Jackson Games Unveils 'Munchkins & Mazes'
9. 'Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG' Summons 'Phantom Rage'
10. Asmodee USA Gets Giochi Uniti International
Spielwarenmesse Magazine-Monthly, not Weekly (Germany)
TOYS Magazine (Germany)
Toy & Hobby (Australia)
Nación Juguetes (Mexico, Peru, Argentina, Chile & Spain)
Video of the Week
Daisy & David Snow from The Fantastic Factory Share How They Come up with Ideas with Young Inventors. Spring Challenge has closed, now accepting entries for Young Inventor Fall Challenge. We Love Kid Inventors! Thank you for being a reader of the Bloom Report. — Mary and Graeme Founding Editor and Publisher (1998-2020, Retired): Philip Bloom Publisher: Mary Couzin, Chicago Toy & Game Group, Inc. Managing Editor: Graeme Thomson Assistant Editor: Patrick Fisher
